Actor Gal Gadot, who is set to reprise her role as Wonder Woman in the third instalment of the movie franchise, has hinted that her three children could be seen making a cameo in the film.
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Gal Gadot, who is a mother of three children–Alma (10), Maya (4), and Daniella (4 months), says “well, we might” when asked about the possible chances of family coming together in the film.
“They can get used to it. It is a nice souvenir in each movie they’re going to be older and older,” Gal said during the interview with Female First.
Gal, who usually refrains from sharing pictures of her children on social media, opened up about the decision to have her family appear in the film. “It meant a lot,”
Gal told Kevin McCarthy last year. “To have them captured in the film with me, because they are a part of it, meant a lot, and it’s an amazing, amazing souvenir that we will forever cherish,” she had added.
Also Read: Actor Gal Gadot is just ‘being a mom’ as she pumps breast milk backstage
In the 2020 film Wonder Woman 1984, Gal’s husband Yaron Versano and their daughters, Maya and Alma made a cameo. Also, in ‘Wonder Woman 1984’, Gal’s husband Yaron was seen holding Maya on a merry-go-round as the snow falls. Her daughter Alma was also seen in the film.
Gal was last seen in the superhero adventure, Wonder Woman 1984. She will soon be seen in a heist film, Red Notice, sharing screen space with Dwayne Johnson and Ryan Reynolds.