India’s representation at the Grammy Awards has been less but not rare. This year’s ceremony had Ricky Kej, an Indian-American who now works and lives in Bengaluru. The 40-year-old music composer won his second Grammy award on Sunday in Las Vegas.
Ricky Kej took the stage on Sunday after his award was announced and greeted his fans, viewers and the audience with a ‘Namaste.’ Kej, along with Steward Copeland of The Police, accepted the award in the ‘New Age Album’ category. They produced the album Divine Tides’.
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Soon after winning the award on Sunday, Kej sent out a post on his social media handle, celebrating his Grammy win. “So grateful to have won the Grammy Award for our album Divine Tides”, he wrote.
“Absolutely love this living legend standing next to me – Stewart Copeland. Love all of you too! This is my 2nd Grammy Award and Stewart’s 6th”, the music composer added.
Ricky Kej won his first Grammy award in 2015 after contributing to the album ‘Winds of Samsara’. The 40-year-old has is also reportedly an active environment activist and has been presented with the United Nations Global Humanitarian Artist award, according to reports from NDTV.
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Days before arriving in Las Vegas for the Grammy Awards, Kej posted about his nomination on social media. He wrote, “With just over 10 days to go for the upcoming GRAMMY awards, a huge shout out to all my fellow artists and collaborators from around the world for being a part of this special journey with #DivineTides.”
AR Rahman, another Indian artist who has previously won the Grammy award, also attended the event on Sunday in Las Vegas with his son. The music composer also shared images from the event.