Greer Blitzer is a contestant on the ongoing season of the ABC dating show The Bachelor, which stars leading man Zach Shallcross. Before the season premiered, Reddit users discovered former tweets from 2016 where Blitzer defended wearing blackface. The reality star apologized on her own social media in January for the radically insensitive tweets, but the show had not addressed the controversy till now.
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On Tuesday’s episode of The Bachelor: Women Tell All, host Jesse Palmer put Blitzer in the hot seat and asked her to address the backlash regarding her troubling and disturbing posts, in front of a studio audience.
Greer Blitzer Age & Family
Greer Blitzer was born on April 14, 1998, in Bellaire, Texas. She is 24 years old. She lived in Texas until making a major move to New York City. While not much is not known about Greer’s family.
Net worth
Blitzer worked as a sales and account executive before going into the entertainment business. She gained popularity in 2023 after she made an appearance in The Bachelor’s 27th season. According to Latest In Bollywood, Blitzer had an estimated net worth of $800,000 as of January 2023.
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The Bachelor moment
In her old tweets in 2016, Blitzer defended a high school student for wearing blackface. “The students involved didn’t even know what blackface was so my point exactly. It wasn’t an intentional racist act,” she wrote. “This previous incident was dumb, not racist? She did not paint herself black because she felt superior to black ppl,” another tweet read.
“Putting white powder on your face isn’t okay either. That didn’t make the news did it?” Blitzer wrote in another tweet.
On Tuesday evening’s episode, Blitzer said, “This acquaintance of mine that I knew performing blackface was racist, me defending it was racist, my ignorance was racist and I’m just so ashamed.”
“I’m just deeply sorry that I hurt the Black community,” she said. “I can’t go back in time. All I can do is try to be better now and try to do better in my future,” she added.
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Greer Blitzer said she had educated herself, attended lectures, and has been working with Dr. Kira Banks, a professor and diversity, equity, and inclusion consultant.