Bollywood actor and producer Anushka Sharma, who has given some solid women-centric films to the Bollywood, turned 33 on Saturday. On her birthday, let’s look at the top movies given by Anushka Sharma as an actor and producer and are a must-watch:

1. NH10

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The first movie ever produced by Anushka Sharma, the story of NH10 revolves around an honour killing, which is witnessed by Meera and Arjun, the lead characters, committed by a gangster. Anushka Sharma plays the role of Meera in the movie while Arjun is being played by Neil Bhoopalam. The movie brutally depicts the scenario of honour killing in India and it can be said that it is the need of the hour.

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2. Bulbbul

Produced by Anushka Sharma, ‘Bulbbul’ stars Tripti Dimri in the titular role alongside Avinash Tiwary, Paoli Dam, Rahul Bose and Parambrata Chattopadhyay in the supporting roles. The movies revolves around the character of Bulbbul, a child bride who later on grows to rule her household, hiding her past while her village witnesses supernatural murders of men.

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3. Band Bajaa Baraat 

The second Bollywood movie of Anushka Sharma alongside Ranveer Singh in lead role, the movie explores the story of two youngsters from Delhi who co-found a wedding planning company but the trouble starts when they fall in love with each other.

4. Ladies vs Ricky Bahl

Conman played by Ranveer Singh pretends to fall in love with women only to take their money but the story turns upside down when three of these women hire Ishika, played by Anushka Sharma, to do the same with him.

5. Sui Dhaaga

The film, starring Varun Dhawan and Anushka Sharma in lead roles, is based on the Make-in-India movement. The story revolves around Mauji and Mamta,  a lower-middle-class couple, who struggle to start their own business.