Anuska Sharma has always been one of the fittest actors in Bollywood and the 32-year-old never shied away from keeping herself active and fit even during her last month of pregnancy. The actress, who has just delivered a baby girl, stayed connected with her fans and followers with her daily activities including her workout videos.
In one such throwback picture, which she posted on her Instagram, she was seen performing Shirshasana or headstand with the help of her husband Virat Kohli flaunting her baby bump. In the caption, she shared her joy that she can still continue yoga on her doctor’s recommendations despite her pregnancy. However, she did mention that she is extra-cautious while performing such asana.
“As yoga is a big part of my life, my doctor recommended that I can do all such asanas that I was doing before I was pregnant barring twists & extreme forward bends, but of course with the appropriate and required support. For the Shirshasana, which I have been doing for many years, I ensured that I used the wall for support and also my very able husband supporting me balance, to be extra safe. This was also done under the supervision of my yoga teacher @eefa_shrof who was virtually with me through this session. I’m so glad I could continue my practice through my pregnancy,” she captioned the post.
In another video in which she was looking as radiant as ever, the actor can be seen using a treadmill with that million-dollar smile on her face.
Seems like the actor set the best examples of a healthy pregnancy and all the expected mothers got inspiration in their list.