Groot is a fictional character voiced by Vin Diesel. The character was created by Stan Lee, Larry Lieber and Jack Kirby. In 2017, Gunn confirmed that the character of Baby Groot at the conclusion of Guardians of the Galaxy (2014) following the death of the original Groot and adopted by Rocket as his son is a different character from the first Groot. Baby Groot does not have his biological father’s memories, according to Gunn.
Also Read: Who is Groot?
Adult Groot died in the crashing of Ronan’s spaceship. Rocket recovered and planted pieces of his branches in a flower pot which grew into his son, Baby Groot. Baby Groot is raised by Rocket and is later seen as a teenage Groot.
Baby Groot began growing from a sapling. Diesel explained that “we’re going to see this goofy, adorable, baby Groot just kinda learning as he goes”. Diesel used a higher register of his voice for Baby Groot, pitching up by seven to nine semitones.
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Kevin Feige said at San Diego International Comic-Con in 2016 that Groot might be a baby physically, but he isn’t one mentally. Baby Groot is very much similar to adult Groot. Physically, he has a lot of the same characteristics, such as the shape of his face. His personality seems to be similar, and he still communicates by saying “I am Groot”.
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According to ScreenRant, Marvel’s new animated series has been described as “cute” and “wacky” by early reviewers. I am Groot consists of five shorts that will follow a handful of adorable and mischievous Groot adventures. The shot “Groot Takes a Bath” was shown during Marvel Studio’s animation panel at San Diego Comic-Con on July 22. The series will premiere on Disney+ on August 10, 2022, as a part of Phase Four of the MCU.