Taimur Ali Khan memes took over Twitter after parents Kareena Kapoor Khan and Saif Ali Khan welcomed their second child on Sunday morning. The couple had announced the pregnancy in August. Their first child, son Taimur, is four years old and has been an internet sensation ever since his birth.
After the news of the second child’s birth was out, netizens stormed the internet with memes about how Taimur is reacting to the child’s arrival.
Also Read: Kareena Kapoor, mother of two who changed the way Bollywood looked at working moms
Meanwhile, Saif thanked their well-wishers for their support and announced that the baby and Kareena were healthy.
“We have been blessed with a baby boy. Mom and baby are safe and healthy. Thank you to our well-wishers for their love and support,” he said in a statement, PTI reported.