Hugh Jackman is returning as Wolverine, the X-Men character known for his adamantium claws and supernatural healing abilities. Jackman’s last outing as the Marvel character came in the 2017 movie, Logan, directed by James Mangold, who reacted to the news in a tweet showing how he had killed off Logan.
The film showed an ageing Logan whose healing powers did not work at quite the same speed. He fought a younger and more ruthless version of himself and died a gruesome death. The young girl he was protecting, put a cross on his grave in the film, but fans have noted that the cross had moved, indicating Logan would dig himself out of the grave.
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Mangold shared the gif, adding, “Oh my gosh! Everybody chill. Just kidding! I’m all good! LOGAN will always be there. Multiverse or prequel, time warp or worm hole, canon or non-canon or even without a rationale”. He said he could not wait to see what Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman have in store.
The Deadpool actor spoke of Jackman’s return in typical Reynolds fashion, with a dash of humour. The entire clip is a tribute to Reynolds’ friend, and the subject of his banter, Hugh Jackman. Deadpool 3 will see the two off-screen buddies unite, and the teaser says “Coming Hughn”, a play on the Wolverine actor’s name.
Earlier, Jackman had walked away from the part since he felt things had run their course, and he was growing too old to play the jacked-up Wolverine. However, in 2021, the actor teased a potential return to the Marvel Cinematic Universe, when he posted a photo with Marvel Studios chief Kevin Feige.
Deadpool 3 hits theatres on September 6, 2024, and despite the excitement surrounding Jackman’s return, some fans feel Logan was the perfect sendoff to the character, and this movie is just a “side quest”. Others have noted that they were expecting a return since MCU opened up the Multiverse, and one person on Twitter posited how Deadpool could bring back Logan, saying “Wade is probably gonna pull him out of Origins with his time machine”.