The upcoming I Am Groot animated series at Disney+ will feature the character of Baby Groot. The character will be voiced by Vin Diesel. The question of where the series fits in the MCU timeline was answered by Brian Winderbaum. 

Also Read: Who is Groot?

Head of Streaming, Television and Animation at Marvel Studio, Brian Winderbaum spoke to ComicBook and revealed that the upcoming five-episode series will take place between the end of Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 and the post-credits scene of the second film which shows Groot having aged into a teenager. 

Groot has appeared in five Marvel movies so far including Guardians of the Galaxy, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, Avengers: Infinity War, Avengers: Endgame and Thor: Love and Thunder. The window of time where Groot was a baby Groot with untold stories and adventure is where the team has taken the I Am Groot series. 

Also Read: How did Groot become Baby Groot?

“It’s a narrow window, right? It takes place actually between the end of Guardians 2 and before the tag scene in Guardians 2. So, it’s in this narrow window where Groot is in that kind of post toddler stage of development,” said Winderbaum to Brian Winderbaum also mentioned this really excited James Gunn. 

Also Read: Who is Vin Diesel?

The official synopsis of I Am Groot looks at Baby Groot’s “glory days growing up, and getting into trouble, among the stars”. The series is directed and executively produced by Lepore. Lepore mentioned in an interview that she met James Gunn at several points and mentioned, “The most pivotal one being like our initial kickoff meeting, where we basically just discussed this amazing character that he created, just, you know, just to make sure we could do Baby Groot the way we’re supposed to. And I remember him telling me like, ‘Oh yeah, he’s a bad baby.’

The series will premiere on August 10, 2022, on Disney+.