The ‘Heman’ of Bollywood Dharmendra is celebrating his 85 birthday on Tuesday and talking about his film journey, he said that the camera loves him. “I can self-analyse and I know what I am capable of at this point in my life,” he said in an interview with Times of India.
The actor, who has spent over six decades in the film industry, says that though he believes that he has stopped ageing after 60, people keep reminding him about his age.
“I have lived my life to the fullest, and life has kept me young,” he said.
As the actor has added another year to his life, his actor-son Bobby Deol took to his Instagram page to wish his father.
Twinning in a similar outfit, Bobby wrote, “Love You Papa…Happy Birthday.”
In one of his interviews earlier, the senior star says that birthday celebrations are not the same for him anymore. “Earlier, I used to celebrate my birthday but later, I felt it was too artificial, kyun industry mein dikhawa zyaada hota hai. (It’s more of a show-off in the industry).”
He is currently in Mumbai with his family.