Bollywood actor Sunny Leone, on International Women’s Day, in an Instagram post, revealed her journey in the industry and how she forayed into other avenues. Leone, who shot to fame with the music video of ‘Baby Doll’, said despite all the criticisms and hate she has managed to come a long way and is living a dream life.
The 39-year-old said she received hate emails at 21, received sexists comments and criticised for her dance moves. Leone further added that received no offers and support from the industry. The entreprenuer said she was even boycotted at award shows.
Watch Sunny Leone’s Instagram post here:
In 2018, Leone launched her makeup brand ‘Star Struck’. Her line of products includes lipsticks, mascara, eyeliners, highlighters among others.
Before making her way to Bollywood, Leone played cameo roles in ‘The Girl Next Door’, ‘Pirate’s Blood’ and ‘The Virginity Hit.’
However, her career received a push after she participated in Bigg Boss season 5 in 2011. Leone made her Bollywood debut with Mohit Suri’s Jism 2 in 2012. She has also acted in Ek Paheli Leela, Kuch Kuch Locha Hai, Mastizaade and Ragini MMS 2 among others.
In another case, Leone received a reprieve when the Kerala High Court restrained the police from arresting her in the alleged Rs 29 lakh fraud case. Leone was allegedly supposed to show up at a Valentine’s Day event in 2019 that was being organised by R Shiyas, a native of Perumbavoor, Kerala, but failed to do so.
As per the complainant, the Bollywood actor failed to show up at the event despite accepting the lump sum amount for doing the show. However, the actor said she had visited the venue twice but the program was not being held.