The upcoming season of the popular crime docuseries Indian Predator is titled The Diary of a Serial Killer: Indian Predator Season 2. The documentary series has released a 30-second teaser of the case of sadistic serial killer Raja Kolander. It is an India Today Originals production that will follow the previous documentary series about the Butcher of Delhi.
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Take a look at the 30-second trailer:
The creators have unquestionably taken it up a notch this time. The OTT behemoth has promised to heat up the upcoming season by introducing Raja Kolander, a rumoured cannibal, as the trailer suggests.
“When a suspect is found in a journalist’s murder, the case is considered closed until a secret diary suggests 13 more victims — and possible cannibalism,” says the shows synopsis.
The trailer depicts the murder of a journalist named Dheerendra Singh, drawing attention to Raja Kolander, a smart and intelligent criminal.
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When worse facts are revealed in a hidden diary with the sinister title “Raja Ki Diary,” the investigation becomes more rigorous. Kolander is a cannibal who has consumed 14 victims, including brains and other body parts, by boiling them (or more). The defendant, Raja Kolander, will now give a description of what actually happened. The man claims his innocence and grumbles that no one will listen to him. A man inside the prison describes what truly happened in the story in the trailer.
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Here’s the trailer of season 2:
This series is directed by Dheeraj Jindal, with a screenplay written by Sudeep Nigam and executive producers Chandni Ahlawat Dabas and Moumita Sen.
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Release date:
The Diary of a Serial Killer: Indian Predator will be available on Netflix on September 7th.
The first part, Indian Predator: the Butcher of Delhi real story was about an investigation into Chandrakant Jha, one of the country’s most heinous serial killers, is recounted in Indian Predator. He was convicted in 2013 for three heinous murders committed between 2003 and 2007.