Will Smith has been in and off the news consecutively ever since the infamous ‘slap gate‘ during the Oscars 2022. He went off the limelight after giving a sincere apology for his actions. Recently, he has come to the news again after talking openly about self-diagnosing himself with ADHD during an interview with Rolling Stones.
ADHD, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, is a neurodevelopmental disorder. The symptoms include inattentiveness and impulsiveness. People suffering through this usually find it difficult to pay attention and continue a single task with efficiency. The condition is quite common among children, however, people also develop these symptoms through early adulthood.
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Is Will Smith suffering from ADHD?
Smith has openly talked about his struggles. He started his career from being a rapper to a tv show actor and a movie star. Smith also talked about how he started from the absolute bottom and has reached where he is now. More recently, he added to the list of his battles a more personal condition. The King Richard actor opened up about his trouble paying attention.
Though Smith was never medically diagnosed with this condition, he did have all the symptoms growing up. He reportedly spoke, “I was a B student who should’ve been getting A’s- classic underachiever”.
Conclusively, we can say that Smith self-diagnosed himself with this condition and has been battling with it ever since. After sharing about his difficulty in finishing a book Today, he added, “I buy a book and have someone read it for me on tape!”.
Smith has a long way in his career. He has won multiple awards including four Grammys and an Oscar. He starred in the popular 90s TV show, Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. His most acclaimed works include King Richard, The Pursuit of Happiness, Aladdin, and Bad Boys. Despite his ADHD condition, he might have been the only actor with eight consecutive blockbusters.