Late Night with Seth Myers, the late-night talk show on NBC, garnered a Primetime Emmy nomination this year for Outstanding Variety Talk series for the first time since Myers took on the mantle from Jimmy Fallon, the current host of The Tonight Show. In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, the 48-year-old Myers has admitted that despite trying to talk himself into thinking that the nomination did not matter, it definitely did.
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The Late Night franchise has seen four hosts till date- David Letterman, Conan O’Brian, Jimmy Fallon, and now Myers, who has been at the helm since 2014. When asked in the interview about what exactly spells success for him, the former Saturday Night Live cast member said that having a show is the one thing that he keeps on top of the list, “The funny thing about a nomination is it doesn’t change anything. The show is exactly as hard as it was the night before. And it makes you appreciate that you’re just lucky enough to have a show — it’s far better to have a TV show than to be nominated for one”.
Myers also acknowledged the sheer domination of Last Week Tonight, the late-night show hosted by British TV presenter John Oliver, when it comes to winning the Emmy for Outstanding Variety Talk series. Oliver’s showing has won the award for the past six years straight.
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The comedian attributes the success of the show to the relationship he shares with his producer, Mike Shoemaker, with whom the former had also worked on SNL. Myers is of the opinion that it is important to create a writing staff where a diversity of voices will be present. “If everyone has their own line, and they thrive there, it develops a supportive environment”, the comedian opined.
The 74th Primetime Emmy Award ceremony, scheduled to be held on September 12, will be hosted by another SNL veteran, Kenan Thompson.