Following his temporary ban from the renowned New York City restaurant Balthazar, English comedian James Corden has opened up about the incident. The 44-year-old was handed a temporary ban by the restaurant owner Keith McNally, who accused Corden of being an “abusive customer” since the business started 25 years ago.
However, Corden has now opened up about the incident in an interview with the New York Times, terming the entire sage “so silly.”
The comedian’s comments came in an interview with the New York Times, where he was promoting his upcoming Amazon series “Mammals.” During the interview, Corden spoke about disliking eggs in the restaurant and how it happens at many restaurants every day.
“Happens every day,” he said. “It’s happening in 55,000 restaurants as we speak. It’s always about eggs,” Corden added.
The incident was highlighted with an Instagram post by Balthazar’s owner Keith McNally, who also revealed that Corden apologized later for the incident. Speaking about it, Corden said it would not have been fair to the restaurant if they had criticized it on Twitter.
“Can you imagine now, if we just blasted her on Twitter? Would that be fair?,” he quipped. “This is my point. It’s insane,” he continued.
As per McNally, Cordon made a scene when “a little bit of egg white” remained on an egg yolk omelette with gruyere cheese in his wife’s order. The restaurant owner also revealed that the comedian called him and “apologized profusely” after the Instagram post.
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However, Cordon claimed that he was not wrong and that he would not have cancelled the interview with the New York Times for having to discuss the incident.
“I haven’t done anything wrong, on any level,” he said. “I was there. I get it,” Cordon added.
“I feel so Zen about the whole thing. Because I think it’s so silly. I just think it’s beneath all of us. It’s beneath you. It’s certainly beneath your publication,” the comedian stated.