The Flight Attendant star Kaley Cuoco and actor Tom Pelphrey welcomed their first child on Thursday. Cuoco took to Instagram on Saturday to share the news that she gave birth two days before to daughter Matilda Carmine Richie Pelphrey. The post referred to the baby girl as “the new light of our lives” and included a series of photos showing the newborn with her happy parents.

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“Introducing, Matilda Carmine Richie Pelphrey, the new light of our lives! We are overjoyed and grateful for this little miracle,” Cuoco wrote in the Instagram post. “Thank you to the doctors, nurses, family, and friends who have helped us immensely over the last few days,” she wrote.

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Who is Kaley Cuoco?

Kaley Cuoco is an American actor of Italian descent. She was born on November 30, 1985. Cuoco landed her breakthrough role on the ABC sitcom named “8 Simple Rules for Dating My Teenage Daughter” where she played the role of Bridget Hennesy.

Currently, Cuoco is not married and has been dating Pelphrey since May 2022. Before coming into a relationship with Pelphrey, Cuoco was married to Karl Cook from 2008 to 2021 and to tennis player Ryan Sweeting from 2013 to 2016.

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Last year, Cuoco met Pelphrey in April 202 at the premiere of the final season of his series Ozark, she told Extra. She called it “absolutely love at first sight.”

In May 2022, Kaley and Tom made their first public appearance as a couple at Greg Berlanti’s Hollywood Walk of Fame ceremony. They announced the pregnancy through social media in October.

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Kaley Cuoco’s younger sister Briana Cuoco is a music artist. She appeared on season five of The Voice. However, she didn’t make it to the end. Briana is also a singer for The Bluebird Band, which is now streaming on all music platforms.

According to Celebrity Net Worth, Kaley Cuoco has an estimated net worth of over $100 million.