Bollywood actor Kangana Ranaut on Thursday seemed offended by some media houses for not including her in their reports and tweets on the 10th anniversary of her film ‘Tanu Weds Manu’. Kangana reshared a post on Twitter, which mentioned the “biased attitude” of some news organisations. The post stated that the media houses tagged actor Swara Bhaskar on Twitter, who was the “side actress” in the film, but didn’t tag Kangana.

Also read: Kangana Ranaut talks about her father, says she ‘became first Baaghi Rajput woman at 15’

“Look at the troubles of my enemies, they curse me every day. They wish I was Swara, Alia [Bhatt] or Taapsee [Pannu], or anyone but not me. What weird love they have for me,” she wrote in her quote-tweet in Hindi.

In the movie ‘Tanu Weds Manu’, Kangana and Swara played friends but in real life, they often indulge in verbal fights on Twitter over their political opinions and even their work in the film industry.

Although, Swara came in support of Kangana a few days ago, when the latter was called ‘nachne gaane waali’ (one who dances and sings) by MLA Sukhdev Panse, last week.

“Whoever this fool does he know I am no Deepika Katrina or Alia…. I am the only one who refused to do item numbers, refused to do big hero ( Khan /Kumar) films which made entire Bullywoodiya gang men +women against me. I am a Rajput woman I don’t shake a** I break bones,” Kangana tweeted in reply to Panse.

Swara too called out the politician for making “a stupid, sexist and condemnable thing” but she also shared that by belittling other actors in her post, Kangana made the situation worse.