Actor Kangana Ranaut, in a fresh attack on Rihanna over her farmers’ protest tweet, claimed that the 32-year-old international pop star must have charged at least Rs 100 crores for her post. She also called Rihanna a porn singer who has no talent.

“She is a porn singer, not some mosaic. She doesn’t even have a voice and you know in American culture, Kim Kardashian and Rihanna who have unidentified careers are called icons. They flaunt their bubble buts, do surgeries and that’s it. They are not genuine artists. She is a porn singer,” she told Republic TV in an interview. 

Kangana further said that Rihanna who didn’t utter a word during violence at Capitol Hill in the US suddenly woke up and posted about something that is happening in India. 

On Tuesday, Rihanna shared the news article and asked, “Why aren’t we talking about this?!” Soon after this, Kangana started attacking her on Twitter with comments questioning her appearance, career, and qualification. 

She also said that “If not more, Rihanna must have charged a minimum of Rs 100 crore, where are they getting this money from?”

Kangana also targeted teen climate activist Greta Thunberg in the interview and said that she is a child who has some problems. “I think autism. This child whom they are hiding behind and using – this is a masterstroke for India, she should get a Padma Shri.”