Bhagwant Mann, the new Chief Minister of Punjab, began his career as a comedian and satirist before entering politics. He became well-known after competing in the Great Indian Laughter Challenge, which was judged by Navjot Singh Sidhu and Shekhar Suman. Surprisingly, Kapil Sharma won the third season of the same stand-up comedy show.
Kapil Sharma, TV’s ‘comedy king,’ who is known for his great sense of humour and impeccable comic timing, was recently trolled for praising Punjab’s new chief minister, Bhagwant Mann.
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On the occasion of Shaheedi Diwas, Bhagwant Mann shared a video in which he discussed the establishment of an anti-corruption helpline. When he shared the video, he wrote, “On the occasion of Shaheedi Diwas, we are launching an anti-corruption helpline. If someone asks you for a bribe, send me its audio/video recording on 9501200200. We will take strict action against the corrupt. Corruption free Punjab will be a true tribute to our freedom fighters”
Kapil Sharma praised the new Punjab Chief Minister for this initiative, quoting his tweet and writing, “So proud of you paji,” with a hug, heart, and applause emojis. A troll, on the other hand, targeted the Firangi actor for his praise and tweeted, “हरभजन की तरह राज्यसभा के टिकट के लिए मक्खन लगा रहे हो क्या । (Are you also wooing him for a Rajya Sabha seat, as Harbhajan did?)”
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The comedian and actor responded to the troll in Hindi, , “बिलकुल नहीं मित्तल साहब, बस इतना सा ख़्वाब है कि देश तरक़्क़ी करे ? बाक़ी आप कहो तो आपकी नौकरी की लिए कहीं बात करूँ ?(Not at all, Mittal sir (the social media user’s name), my small wish is for the country to advance (folded hands emoji). If you want, I can apply for a job on your behalf).
Bhagwant Mann began his career as a comedian and satirist before entering politics, for the uninitiated. He rose to prominence after taking part in the Great Indian Laughter Challenge. Surprisingly, Kapil Sharma won the third season of the same stand-up comedy show.
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While the comedian is receiving love and praise for his appearance on The Kapil Sharma Show, he is making a Bollywood comeback with Nandita Das’ upcoming film. Kapil will play the role of a food delivery rider in the untitled film. Applause Entertainment is producing the film, which also stars Shahana Goswami in the lead role.
The film is currently being shot in Odisha, and Kapil has been sharing interesting updates about the project.