Desh Bandhu Panday, a contestant who was recently seen in quiz show Kaun Banega Crorepati has landed in legal complications. Pandey, who is an employee with the Indian Railways went to Mumbai for a few days to participate in the Amitabh Bachchan-hosted show, was not on an approved leave.
According to TOI, Pandey informed his seniors about his trip to Mumbai but his leaves were not officially approved by the Indian Railways due to which he has been slapped with some legal charges.
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Desh Bandhu stayed in Mumbai from August 9- August 13 to be on the show. Before flying down to Mumbai from Kota, he informed his seniors about taking leaves but his application was not taken into consideration. After his appearance on the KBC, the railway administration sent a charge sheet to him.
The chargesheet against Pandey has also led to a protest by Railway employees who said it is unfair on the administration’s part.
However, the railway has not yet commented on the incident.
Meanwhile, Desh Bandhu Panday, who said participating in KBC and meeting Amitabh Bachchan was his dream, won Rs 3,40,000 in the 13th season of the show.
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The question that he failed to answer was – “Which of these countries falls entirely in Europe?” His options were: Russia, Turkey, Ukraine, Kazakhstan.
The 13th season of Kaun Banega Crorepati kicked off on August 23. In less than two weeks, the show has already managed to find its first crorepati contestant in a visually impaired contestant, Himani Bundela. The episode will see her playing for Rs 7 crore as well.
Recently, Himani opened up about a phase after losing her eyesight due to an operation, which she had to undergo due to an unfortunate accident.
Himani, who is also a Math teacher, shared that she plans to open a coaching centre for differently-abled irrespective of the amount she wins on the show.