Actor Kevin Spacey was rushed to the hospital when he reportedly went ‘numb in one arm’ at the Tashkent International Film Festival.
It was feared that the actor had suffered a heart attack. According to the Sun, the 64-year-old underwent an MRI at a hospital in Uzbekistan. Doctors later gave him the all-clear. A source close to the actor told The Sun: “Mr Spacey was taken to a medical center over health concerns. He was treated professionally by doctors and staff and found to have no problem with his heart.”
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He became ill while touring the Afrasiyab Museum, located in the ancient Silk Road city of Samarkand. The House of Cards actor felt his “entire left arm go numb for about eight seconds”.
He was taken to the Innova Diagnostic Clinic in the city to undergo a series of tests. Later that night, he appeared on stage at the festival and told the crowd his health was “normal”. Spacey said: “It made me really take a moment and think about how fragile life is – for all of us.”
The actor also gave a speech at the festival’s closing ceremony on Monday.
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He said: “I experienced something here today that was unexpected. I was looking at these extraordinary murals on the walls and I suddenly felt my entire left arm go numb for about eight seconds. I shook it off, but I immediately told the people I was with and we went immediately to the […] medical center. I spent the afternoon there having a variety of tests. Staff took care of me, and even put me through an MRI. Everything turned out to be completely normal, and I’m grateful it’s not anything more serious.”