Anil Kapoor and Varun Dhawan were the latest guests on the sets of Koffee with Karan, streaming on Hotstar. The celebrity talk show featured the Jugjugg Jeeyo stars conversing on a wide range of topics from infidelity, marriage, movies, and nepotism. When Karan asked Kapoor about his opinion on nepotism, initially he remarked that he does not pay heed to these comments. However, he later confessed to have been insecure about Jackie Shroff’s success.
At first, he narrated “I just don’t take it seriously. I feel you just keep doing your work and your work speaks. This is a kind of question, especially if you are an actor, you can’t pass on that legacy to your brother or son. You either have it or you don’t.”
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Then, he went on to admit that he was insecure about Jackie Shroff. Shroff, who was an outsider, was launched in the industry by Subhash Ghai and became popular very rapidly. “I used to think about that a lot. At that time, I was doing big roles and South Indian films and I did feel bad. The day I signed a Yash Chopra film, I felt like now I am fine.” He, however, calls Shroff sweet as he used to handover autograph diaries to him first.
“But Jackie was always so sweet. People used to come to get his autographs and they would hand him the autograph diary, but he would first give it to me and say, ‘This is for you’. He’d make me give the autographs and then give his. He did that for me. But I knew those people had come there for him, not for me,” Anil Kapoor said.
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This took Karan by surprise as, usually, it is Anil Kapoor about whom stars get insecure. Anil also disclosed that he was offered a number of small roles at the beginning of his career and he was building on his career at his own pace.