Wednesday, the horror comedy series about the Addams’ Family’s eponymous daughter, has released to much fanfare. The first three episodes of the series have been directed by gothic horror filmmaker and frequent Johnny Depp collaborator, Tim Burton. Wednesday starts off as a horror comedy show, but soon branches out into becoming an interesting murder mystery, with Wednesday at the centre of it.
Soon after Wednesday joins her new school for the outcasts, Nevermore Academy, a series of murders at the school and the town of Jericho nearby sends shockwaves among the students and the townsfolk.
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Goody Addams, the character that was also portrayed by Jenna Ortega, is the Addams’ ancestor who manages to find out that the local Gates family are somehow involved with the murders. She also tells Wednesday that she believes Laurel Gates, one of the children of the Gates family, is the one who has been killing people.
Who are the Gates family?
The Gates family are one of the most influential families of Jericho. One of their ancestors, Joseph Crackstone, was the founder of Jericho. Following in Crackstone’s footsteps, the Gates family hated outcasts, and especially Nevermore Academy.
One of the members of the Gates family, Garrett, was himself killed accidentally by Morticia, but her husband, Gomez, took the blame upon himself to protect her.
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Who is Laurel Gates?
Laurel Gates is a daughter of the Gates’ family who is at first believed to have drowned in a foreign land. However, Goody figures out that Laurel is not dead, and she is the one who has been going around committing the grizzly murders.
Wednesday at first suspects her therapist, Dr Kinbott, to be Laurel. However, she soon figures out that Kinbott is innocent.
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Only in the final episode of the series do we finally understand who the real murderer is! And it proves to be none other than Ms Marilyn Thornhill, who was probably the friendliest teacher in Nevermore Academy.