The trailer of “Lightyear”, the origin story of the beloved “Toy Story”
character Buzz Lightyear was released by Pixar on Wednesday morning. Voiced by
Chris Evans, screen’s Captain America, the film is set to be an animated,
family-friendly science fiction film. To be released in 2022, “Lightyear” will
not follow the toy-sized space-faring exploits of the original “Toy Story”, but
will introduce the world to a “real-life” astronaut whose adventures are seen
in the “Toy Story” franchise.
The trailer shows Lightyear space suiting-up to go on a dangerous and
daring space mission. The character boards a space shuttle as ground-control
crew watch anxiously as Lightyear departs for the cosmos. In space, Lightyear
explores alien planets, receives instruction from a robot and then gazes up on
his green-and-white space suit at the end of the trailer.
“Lightyear” was first announced by Pixar in 2020. The film is expected in
theatres on June 17, 2022, a few months after “Turning Point”, another Pixar
movie debuts on March 11, 2022.
While Chris Evans’ voice is among the highlights of the film, fans of the “Toy
Story” franchise will surely miss the voice of Tim Allen who voiced the
character in four films of the “Toy Story” franchise from the original 1995 hit
film to the 2019 sequel “Toy Story 4”.
Directed by Angus McClain, the “Lightyear” trailer gives viewers a sense of
where aspects of Lightyear’s personality emerge from. Film buffs have found
resonances between the “Lightyear” trailer and Marvel Studio’s “Captain Marvel”.
The trailer shows the cat and
shots of Lightyear frantically attempting to deal with a swarm of tentacles
trying to eat him. This scene particularly bears resonance to “Captain Marvel”.
Critics say that the film appears visually impressive and narratively intriguing
as it does a deep dive into the kind of person Buzz Lightyear really was beyond
his fame and “oversized chin”.