Lisa Rinna, the infamous actor and reality TV star, announced on Thursday that she will leave the Bravo TV show Real Housewives of Beverley Hills. She has been a mainstay in the show for eight seasons, but in the wake of controversies with Kathy Hilton and being called a bully by Prince Harry, some see her departure as a much-needed breath of fresh air for the show.
It was reported that Rinna’s departure was mutually agreed upon by Bravo TV and herself, and it comes in the background of her contract expiring after last season. Rinna released a statement making the decision public, which was reported by People.
Also read: Why Lisa Rinna left Real Housewives of Beverley Hills after 8 seasons
‘This is the longest job I have held in my 35 year career and I am grateful to everyone at Bravo and all those involved in the series,’ the 59-year-old said in the statement. “‘It has been a fun eight-year run and I am excited for what is to come!’
Social media was buzzing since her announcement and #RHOBH started trending on social media.
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“Me rn getting off work and hearing the wonderful news that it’s confirmed Lisa Rinna was finally fired and is not returning for next season #RHOBH,” one user said on Twitter.
“I stopped watching 5 years ago because of Lisa rinna’s bullying that is not what all women want to see, most women want to see other women lifting each other up not tearing them down,” a fan said on Twitter.
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“The news of Lisa Rinna’s departure has made me very happy. She’s awful… #RHOBH,” a third fan said.
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Another user gave a critical overview of Rinna’s career on the show. It seemed like a good appraisal of what she has achieved so far on RHOBH.
The user said: “Rinna left a legacy, an impact, and an imprint — whether it’s a good or bad thing is subjective. I’ll just say it like this: Lisa Rinna went to the Tamra Judge school of messiness, but applied what she learned in the nastiest of ways, and in her own way, succeeded”