Love & Death, the new limited series on HBO Max, explores the real-life story of Candy Montgomery, a Texas wife and mother who was accused of murdering her friend, Betty Gore. The murder was committed after Candy had an affair with Betty’s husband, Allan. Despite being caught with the murder weapon, Candy was acquitted on the grounds of self-defense, with the help of a polygraph test. The story has fascinated true-crime enthusiasts for years, and Love & Death is the latest project to bring this compelling tale to the screen.


Created by David E. Kelley, Love & Death is the second recent adaptation of this infamous true crime story. Kelley is well-known for producing gripping limited series, such as Big Little Lies, Nine Perfect Strangers, and The Lincoln Lawyer. The series stars Elizabeth Olsen as Candy Montgomery, alongside Jesse Plemons, Lily Rabe, and Patrick Fugit.

Release Date

The first three episodes of Love & Death will air on HBO Max on April 27, followed by weekly episodes until May 25. Although a UK release date has not yet been confirmed, the series will be available for streaming on ITVX in the autumn.


Love & Death tells the story of two couples, the Montgomerys and the Gores, who were once friends and neighbors in a small Texas town. However, an extramarital affair leads to a violent confrontation that ends with the use of an axe. The show explores the dynamics of these relationships and the events that ultimately led to the murder.

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The trailer for Love & Death opens with a glimpse into the world of Candy Montgomery. She is shown yearning for something more than her mundane life in a small Texas town. It is evident from the trailer that something is not quite right with Candy, which makes the shocking events that transpire even more unsettling.


The cast of Love & Death is impressive, with Elizabeth Olsen delivering a standout performance as Candy Montgomery. Olsen has been making waves in Hollywood with roles in projects like Sorry for Your Loss, WandaVision, and Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness. She is joined by Jesse Plemons, who plays Allan Gore, Lily Rabe as Betty Gore, and Patrick Fugit as Pat Montgomery. The series also features Tom Pelphrey, Krysten Ritter, Keir Gilchrist, and Elizabeth Marvel.

Where to watch?

Love & Death is an HBO Max original, which means that a subscription to the premium service is required to watch the series. However, most cable subscribers to HBO already have access to HBO Max for free. The series promises to be a gripping and unsettling exploration of a true crime story that has captured the attention of audiences for decades. With an all-star cast and a talented creative team behind it, Love & Death is shaping up to be one of the most exciting limited series of the year.

True crime stories have become increasingly popular in recent years, with audiences captivated by the complex characters and shocking events that these stories often entail. Love & Death is the latest project to tap into this trend, and it promises to be one of the most engaging and thought-provoking adaptations yet. By exploring the events that led to the murder of Betty Gore, the series sheds light on the fragility of human relationships and the dark impulses that can drive people to commit unthinkable acts.

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In conclusion, Love & Death is an upcoming limited series on HBO Max that tells the story of Candy Montgomery, a Texas wife and mother who was accused of murdering her friend, Betty Gore. The series explores the dynamics of human relationships and the events that ultimately led to the brutal murder. With an all-star cast and an experienced creative team behind it, Love & Death promises to be a gripping and thought-provoking adaptation of this infamous true crime story.