Actor Shilpa Shetty admitted to making a mistake, in a cryptic social media note that she shared on Thursday. Her post has come amid the arrest of her husband, businessman Raj Kundra. He is under the scanner for his alleged connection to a pornography racket, and was recently remanded in judicial custody for several days.
Also Read: HC grants interim protection from arrest to Raj Kundra in 2020 porn films case
Shilpa posted an excerpt from a book on Instagram stories. It begins with a quote by Sophia Loren, which reads, “Mistakes are the part of the dues one pays for a full life.”
“We can’t make our lives interesting without making a few mistakes here and there. We hope that they won’t be dangerous mistakes or mistakes that hurt other people. But there will be mistakes. We can see our mistakes as things we’d like to forget or as our most interesting, challenging and stimulating experiences. Not because of the mistakes themselves but because of what we learned from them,” reads the excerpt.
The note concluded, “I’m going to make mistakes, I will forgive myself and learn from them.” Shilpa added a sticker that read, “Made a mistake but it’s okay.” It was unclear what mistake Shilpa was referring to.
Also Read: Pornography case: Mumbai court rejects pre-arrest bail plea of actress Gehana Vasisth
Previously, Shilpa shared a book excerpt that highlighted the importance of not pausing due to adversities, and continuing to live fully even if ‘life becomes stressful’.
The actor recently returned as one of the judges on the dance reality show ‘Super Dancer 4’, after having taken some time after the arrest of Kundra.