Ryan Murphy, the creator of the popular Netflix series Monster, is once again exploring the minds of infamous killers for the show’s second season. This time, the focus is on Lyle and Erik Menendez, who were convicted in 1996 for the brutal murders of their wealthy parents in their Beverly Hills home. The upcoming season is titled Monsters: The Lyle and Erik Menendez Story.
The next season of Ryan Murphy’s Netflix anthology series ‘Monster’ will be about Lyle and Erik Menendez.
It will be titled ‘Monsters: The Lyle and Erik Menendez Story.’ pic.twitter.com/ag4w1grnS5
— Film Updates (@FilmUpdates) May 1, 2023
Who are José Menendez and Mary Louise “Kitty” Menendez?
José Menendez and Mary Louise “Kitty” Menendez were the parents of Lyle and Erik. José was a Cuban-American businessman who made a fortune in the entertainment industry, while Kitty was a homemaker. The couple had four children, including Lyle and Erik.
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On August 20, 1989, the Menendez family was at home watching television when Lyle and Erik entered the living room and opened fire on their parents with shotguns. José was shot multiple times in the head and torso, while Kitty was shot in the arm, chest, and face. The brothers then attempted to stage the crime scene to make it look like a botched robbery.
The murder shocked the Beverly Hills community and made national headlines. Initially, Lyle and Erik were not suspects, but their extravagant spending in the months following the murders raised suspicions. The brothers went on a spending spree, buying cars, a restaurant, and expensive trips. They also hired a defense team consisting of high-profile lawyers, including Leslie Abramson and Barry Levin.
The trial was highly publicized and became known as the “trial of the century.” The defense argued that Lyle and Erik had been sexually abused by their father and were driven to kill him and their mother in a fit of rage. The prosecution argued that the brothers had planned the murders for months and were motivated by greed.
Abis Jeffrey Dahmer, Ryan Murphy bakal nge-series-in kasus Lyle & Erik Menendez yg telah membunuh orang tuanya saat umur 18 tahun. Tayang tahun depan di series antologi MONSTER.
Mister Murphy gak mau bikin seriesnya Sumanto aja nih buat tahun 2025? pic.twitter.com/yhpEkiN03s
— Habis Nonton Film (@HabisNontonFilm) May 1, 2023
In 1996, Lyle and Erik were convicted of first-degree murder and sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole. They are currently incarcerated at separate California state prisons.
In addition to the scripted series, Netflix has also secured exclusive access to Lyle and Erik Menendez for a forthcoming documentary feature. The documentary will feature interviews with the brothers, as well as archival footage and new evidence.
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Monsters: The Lyle and Erik Menendez Story promises to be a gripping and controversial exploration of one of the most infamous murder cases in American history. The show is set to premiere on Netflix later this year.