Actor Priyanka Chopra Jonas, who released her memoir Unfinished earlier this year, wrote about her journey in the Bollywood and Hollywood industry along with shedding light on her growing up in India and the US, and from Miss India to Miss World.
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When the actor was recently asked if she was tempted to reveal people’s identities in the book, she denied it, adding that her book is about her and not others.
Speaking at a literary festival, Priyanka said, “It is no one else’s story but mine. It says Priyanka’s Memoir, right, so my story. It’s actually really funny. I read a few reviews that said that ‘oh it wasn’t, she didn’t speak the truth about things like that.’ I was like, ‘oh so basically you wanted a gossip brag in my book. You wanted it to be a tell-all.’ I’m not Stardust.”
“That’s the thing, I’m really grateful that my book is a no. 1 bestseller around the world without it being salacious because I don’t respond to that, I’m not that person. I believe in having grace. And a lot of media doesn’t,” she said.
Also Read: Nick Jonas is my cheerleader: Priyanka Chopra
Without revealing names, Priyanka spoke about about a few unfortunate incidents that she experienced at the start of her Bollywood career. She spoke about one such case when a director asking her to get a ‘boob job’ and other cosmetic enhancements when she was still starting off as an actor.
According to The Independent, Priyanka wrote, “After a few minutes of small talk, the director/producer told me to stand up and twirl for him. I did. He stared at me long and hard, assessing me, and then suggested that I get a boob job, fix my jaw, and add a little more cushioning to my butt. If I wanted to be an actress, he said, I’d need to have my proportions ‘fixed’, and he knew a great doctor in LA he could send me to. My then-manager voiced his agreement with the assessment.”