Bollywood actor Neena Gupta on Friday announced her autobiography ‘Sach Kahun Toh’. The Sardar Ka Grandson actor taking to social media announced her autobiography. In a video shared by her on her social media handles, she said that the book was written by her in 2020 during the lockdown, and it is currently available for pre-order now.
“I thought in these very difficult and gloomy times, when we are stuck at home, when we are sad, when we are anxious, maybe my book will help you tide some of the tough days,” said Neena Gupta.
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The most recent project of the veteran actor was a Netflix film, ‘Sardar Ka Grandson’. She was seen playing a 90-year-old grandmother in the film. Apart from Neena Gupta, the film also stars – Arjun Kapoor, Soni Razdan, Kanwaljit Singh, Rakul Preet Singh.
The 61-year-old actor will soon be seen in the second season of the semi-autobiographical show ‘Masaba Masaba’, where Neena Gupta plays the role of her fictionalised self, alongside daughter Masaba Gupta.
‘Sach Kahun Toh’ is scheduled to release on June 14, 2021.