Bollywood actor Neha Dhupia, who welcomed her second child on Sunday, has been quite open about the struggles and challenges during the pregnancy phase. She had, on several occasions said that her second pregnancy was a roller coaster ride and had been comparatively difficult. Dhupia is also a gorgeous mother to her daughter named Mehr.
Here’s what Neha Dhupia talked about her struggles during her second pregnancy.
When Angad Bedi tested positive for COVID
In an interview with Hindustan Times, Dhupia said her pregnancy became even more difficult when her husband and actor Angad Bedi tested positive for COVID. She also revealed that it was Bedi who kept her sane and positive during those days.
The actor further added that the lockdown period had been extremely tedious for her with the pregnancy because she was aware of the changes her body going to undergo in this phase.
Extreme morning sickness
In an interview with The Quint, Neha also shared that she suffered from extreme morning sickness during her second pregnancy. The actor also said that her second pregnancy was a lot more difficult than the first one.
“If there’s a day I wake up without morning sickness, I am just like is there something wrong because morning sickness makes me feel like okay I’m pregnant,” she said.
Contracting mild COVID symptoms
Neha Dhupia, in an interview with News 18 revealed that’s he contracted mild symptoms of COVID during her first month of pregnancy. She admitted that she was extremely scared. The actor has also said that she had to stay away from her daughter and at the same time had to look after her husband, who was COVID positive at the time.
Work pressure
Dhupia also opened up about how her work was overwhelming during the initial days of pregnancy and she had to wrap up her pending projects. She also revealed that she lost many opportunities because she was pregnant.
“I lost out on a lot of opportunities. So there is a sense of security and insecurity and I want to change that around,” she added.
Neha Dhupia and Angad Bedi announced that they were pregnant with their second child on July 19 in a beautiful Instagram post. Since then, Neha had been snapped on various occasions flaunting and glowing with her baby bump and smile.