A new promo for the upcoming Marvel Cinematic Universe show ‘WandaVision’ has been released. A DisneyPlus Original, the series brings back MCU characters Wanda Maximoff and Vision, played by actors Elizabeth Olsen and Paul Bettany respectively.
The promos released till now show Wanda and Vision living in domestic, suburban bliss, that is shattered with the sudden realisation that something is amiss.
Though Vision is dead, fans have speculated that through her powers of reality manipulation, Wanda has changed reality to live with Vision the way she had planned.
Check out the promo below:
Marvel had earlier revealed that this series would explore Scarlet Witch’s mental illness, much like the comics.
‘WandaVision’ is scheduled to premiere on January 15, 2021. Consisting of eight episodes, it will be the first series in Phase Four of the MCU plan.