NBC has revived the popular 80s sitcom Night Court, which premiered January 17. The new series follows the life of the late Judge Harry Stone’s daughter, Abby Stone, who has now taken over her father’s bench at the Manhattan Municipal Court.
”Rather than a reboot of the original, the new Night Court will be a continuation of the original story, this time starring Judge Harry Stone’s daughter, Abby Stone (Melissa Rauch), taking the reins as Judge in the courtroom. Episodes will follow a similar formula to the original Night Court as Abby and her courtroom staff tackle the day’s most complicated and kooky cases that make their way to the night shift,” according to NBC.
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Night Court 2023 cast list:
Actress Melissa Raunch portrays the role of the protagonist, Judge Abby Stone, on NBC’s Night Court. Rauch is also the executive producer, while Dan Rubin – who has Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, Outmatched, and Happy Endings under his credit – is the series’ author.
John Larroquette plays the role of Dan Fielding. India de Beaufort stars as Olivia – an assistant district attorney in the Manhattan Municipal Court – in Night Court.
Night Court also features other actors in pivotal supporting/minor roles, including:
- Lacretta as Donna
- Kapil Talwalkar as Neil
- Dimiter D. Marinov as Nikolai
- Brett Schaberg as Grant
- Cosette Hauer as Claire
Official trailer:
How to watch the new Night Court:
After the premiere, watch Night Court on NBC and stream episodes on Peacock.
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About the previous Night Court:
The original Night Court had a nine-season run from 1984 to 1992, focusing on the night shift of the Manhattan municipal court. Night Court scored 31 Emmy nominations and seven wins throughout its nine seasons.