Bollywood actor Shah Rukh Khan’s son Aryan did not manage to get bail on Thursday. The judge said that he will try to pronounce orders on the three bail applications on October 20. 

Aryan was arrested on October 3 in an alleged drug case after the Narcotics Control Bureau raided a cruise ship going from Mumbai to Goa and allegedly recovered banned drugs.

Also Read: Rhea Chakraborty post about ‘going through’ amid Aryan Khan’s arrest

On October 7, court rejected Aryan Khan’s bail plea and placed him on a 14-day judicial custody following which he was sent to Arthur Jail. 

NCB had opposed his bail in the case and alleged that Aryan sourced drugs and was in touch with “some persons abroad who appear to be a part of an International Drug Network for illicit procurement of drugs.”

The complaint was later filed in a special court which is hearing the bail plea Aryan in a matter related to the Narcotics Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (NDPS) Act.  

The initial hearing took place on Wednesday during which NCB opposed the bail plea stating that releasing Aryan could interfere with the investigation. The central drug body said Aryan is a regular consumer of drugs last three years and that his friend Arbaaz Merchant, who was also arrested with Aryan, was found to possess contraband.

“This was for consumption of both. Hence, bail shouldn’t be granted as Khan may tamper with evidence and influence witnesses,” NCB said in the court.  

In the meantime, Mumbai’s Arthur Jail’s official said on Thursday that Aryan was shifted to a common cell along with five other men, after testing negative for COVID-19. They were earlier kept in Arthur Jail’s quarantine barrack.

“Aryan Khan and five others shifted to the common cell from quarantine barrack in the jail after their Covid report came negative,” Nitin Waychal, superintendent of Arthur Road Jail said.