Recently, at Mahabalipuram, Vignesh Shivan and Nayanathara were wed and their honeymoon photos are still flooding in. After their wedding in Chennai, Vignesh and his bride flew to Thailand, where they uploaded two selfies on Wednesday. Vignesh just added a red heart, a lovestruck, and a love emoji while sharing some recent photos of their honeymoon. Additionally, he included a few endearing hashtags as follows – “unwrap Thailand,” “unwrap the world,” and “holiday.” The duo was shown in a selfie that was sun-kissed, and in the second photo on instagram, they were seen posing in front of a garden. In the selfie, Nayanthara looked lovely while sporting a black denim jacket and high-rise trousers.
View the most recent images of Nayanthara and Vignesh:
On Monday, Vignesh shared some precious photos of himself and his wife from their upcoming honeymoon. Vignesh captioned his photo, “In #Thailand with my Thaaram,” with several affectionate emoticons. In the photos, Nayanthara donned a breezy outfit and smiled while posing with her spouse.
Nayanthara and Vignesh, a power couple in the South, wed on June 9 at a secluded resort in Mahabalipuram, close to Chennai. Their guests included several famous people, including Rajinikanth, Shah Rukh Khan, Atlee, Thalapathy Vijay, and Ajith, were present at the wedding. On the day of their wedding, Vignesh shared lovely photos of the event along with the caption, “On a scale of 10… She’s Nayan & am the one…By God’s Grace:) jus(t) wedded.”
Also Read:Nayanthara-Vignesh Shivan wedding invite viral on social media. Check details
Kaathuvaakula Rendu Kaadhal, a recent film by Nayanthara and Vignesh, also starred Samantha Ruth Prabhu and Vijay Sethupathi in key parts. The next movie Nayanthara will appear in is the Malayalam flick Gold, which also stars Prithviraj Sukumaran.
Nayanthara, Vijay Sethupathi, and Samantha Akkineni played the key parts in the newly released film Kaathu Vaakula Rendu Kadhal, which was directed by Vignesh Sivan. At the box office, the romantic comedy brought around 70 crores of rupees.