Will Smith, now notorious for the infamous slap at the Oscars, joined Trevor Noah for an interview. The actor talked about the Oscar incident, the aftermath and his upcoming film Emancipation in the interview.
Here’s what was discussed in the interview-
1) The Oscar Slap– The conversation naturally steered towards the Oscar incident. During the Oscar 2022 event in late March, Chris Rock joked about Smith’s wife Jada’s medical condition alopecia, which triggered Smith to storm the stage and slap the comedian. This sparked a lot of controversies, with people calling out Smith for his violent reaction to a joke.
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“That was a horrific night, as you can imagine. There’s many nuances and complexities to it. But at the end of the day, I just – I lost it, you know?” Smith commented, “I was going through something that night, you know? Not that that justifies my behaviour at all… It was a lot of things. It was the little boy that watched his father beat up his mother, you know? All of that just bubbled up in that moment. That is not who I want to be.”
2) The aftermath- Smith shared the aftermath of the incident, revealing that even his nephew called him out for this. ‘Why did you hit that man, Uncle Will?’ Damn it. Why are you trying to Oprah me?” said the nephew, who as Smith claimed, was visibly upset.
As to what Smith learned for the whole incident, he says, “we’ve just got to be nice to each other” and the man who responded with violence that night is “not who I want to be.”
3) Emancipation- Smith joined Noah to promote his upcoming historical drama Emancipation, which will make its theatrical debut on December 2 and will be available on streaming platforms a week later. The film is based on the true story of Whipped Peter, who joins the Union Army in the 1860s to escape slavery.
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“First seeing that image was one of the things that really got me excited to explore this, because you see the image, but you don’t know who he is, you don’t know what the story is,” Smith said. “American slavery was one of the most brutal aspects of human history… It is hard to understand the level of human cruelty. My daughter asked me, Daddy, do we really need another slave movie? I said, Daby, ‘I promise you, I wouldn’t make a slave movie. This is a freedom movie’.”