Season 2 of ‘Outer Banks‘ has aired on Netflix. ‘Outer Banks’ is an action-adventure-mystery teen drama that just released its second season. The show is set in North Carolina and follows a bunch of crazy teenagers as they try to figure out what happened to their leader, John B, and the mythical treasure he discovered.
Is Netflix’s Outer Banks season 2 truly worth the watch? Or did the show go downhill after its excellent first season? Well, it’s time to see the best reactions about it.
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With season 2 ending on a cliffhanger and containing several surprises, it will be intriguing to see what the third season has in store for viewers. The series follows a group of Pogue-based teenagers as they search for John B’s father while learning about a treasure related to him.
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All of the questions about the treasure hunt, $400 million in gold, and another cross contribute to the mystery that may be solved. Other events on the show might include changes to the characters of John B and Sarah’s dads, as well as the kids’ ability to escape the deserted island.