Patty Jenkins, the director of the first two Wonder Woman films starring Gal Gadot, has broken her silence regarding the cancellation of the third instalment of the series. The 51-year-old filmmaker has released a statement on Twitter where she has said that it is not true that she was the one who decided to cancel the series.
In the statement, Jenkins says that she does not allow private matters about her career to be discussed publicly, but now she has to since she “will not allow inaccuracies to continue”.
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She continues, “When there started being backlash about WW3 not happening, the attractive clickbait false story that it was me that killed it or walked away started to spread”. The Monster director further added that it was not she who chose to walk away from the project, but it was DC who chose to shelve it because they are currently going through a number of changes when it comes to their organisational structure.
Jenkins was all praises about the character of Wonder Woman and said that she has “loved and been so honored to be the person who got to make these last two Wonder Woman films”.
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In her statement, Jenkins heaped praises on Gal Gadot, the Israeli actor who played Wonder Woman in the two films and the other DC franchise movies. Jenkins said that Gadot is “the greatest gift I have received in this whole journey. A cherished friend, inspiration, and sister”, further adding, “There are no words I can use to convey how magical she is. She is the walking embodiment of Wonder Woman in real life and a better person than the world can imagine.”
Jenkins also spoke about the upcoming Star Wars film, Rogue Squadron, in the statement. She said that the movie is still in active development since she was asked by Lucasfilm to continue being a part of the project after Wonder Woman 3 fell through.