Actor Priyanka Chopra Jonas, who has been promoting her first memoir ‘Unfinished’ for nearly a month, said in an interview recently that while she receives a lot of love from her South Asian community, some of them pick on her for no reason. 

“I do notice a sense of protectiveness from a lot of people but also a sense of cynicism from a lot of people and a sense of negativity from a lot of people that have known me for a really long time. Picking on me for no reason…” Priyanka said. 

Also read: ‘Go back and get gangraped’: Priyanka Chopra talks about facing racism in the US in her memoir

Speaking to BBC, the 38-year-old actor added that she and “very few” other brown people in the entertainment business are trying to push for inclusivity in Hollywood. Priyanka has been a part of Hollywood for around six years.

She recalled an instance where she was talking to actor Mindy Kaling about why they “get so much negativity from their own community.”

Also read: Recalling the ‘gray period’ post father’s demise, Priyanka Chopra shares how she deals with grief

“You can count us [brown people] on your fingers… We are literally, with our own two hands, trying to create more opportunity for people like us. So, why is there so much negativity for us?” Priyanka asserted.

The actor first appeared in the American television show ‘Quantico’ in 2015 and after its massive success, she got her first break on Hollywood’s big screen with the film ‘Baywatch’. She is currently working on upcoming Amazon thriller series ‘Citadel’.