Actor Priyanka Chopra took to her Instagram to share photos from her beach holiday with husband Nick Jonas. In the photo, the two are seen lounging by the pool on a sunny day but what is interesting is the caption that the ‘Quantico’ star used for one of her pictures.
In the photo, Nick is wielding a fork and a knife, ‘using’ them on Priyanka’s butt as she smiles at the scene. “Snack,” she captioned her post, and added fork and knife emojis.
Priyanka is wearing a black bikini top with red bottoms. On the other hand, Nick is shirtless and wearing black swimming trunks.
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In another picture, Priyanka is flaunting her perfect body in bikini.
The actor returned to the US over the weekend and even attended one of Nick’s concerts. The Jonas Brothers are on a tour named ‘Remember This’.
Priyanka was recently in London, shooting for her upcoming series, Citadel. She shared photos from shoot day, and showed fans how she injured her head during a stunt. Taking to Instagram Stories, Priyanka shared photos of her forehead, showing the prosthetic blood in her hair along with cut that she got on her eyebrow.
Also Read: During shoot of ‘Citadel’, actor Priyanka Chopra hurts herself. See pic
Priyanka also finished shooting of her romantic comedy, ‘Text For You’, with Sam Heughan and Celine Dion. ‘Citadel’ is a spy series, executive produced by the Russo Brothers.