Bollywood star Ranveer Singh on Saturday launched the teaser for his debut television show ‘The Big Picture’. The show will be produced by Banijay Asia and ITV Studios Global Entertainment BV and can be streamed on Voot and Jio.
The teaser consisted of stills of Ranveer Singh’s characters from his past work namely ‘Shaadi Mubarak’, ‘Padmavat’, ‘Ram-Leela’ and ‘Lootere’.
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“Dekha jayae toh khael sirf nazar ka hai ” that translates to “If you look at it this way, it is all a game of vision”.
The show will test the knowledge and visual memory of the contestants who will be given three helplines. Contestants would have to answer 12 visual based questions in order to walk away with the grand prize money.
The interactive visual format of the quiz would allow the viewers to play the game from their couch and also get an opportunity to win the contest.
In a statement, he had said, “In my journey as an artist, the urge to experiment and explore has been constant. Indian cinema has undeniably given me everything – it’s been a platform for me to excel and showcase my skills as an actor, and I have been fortunate to get immense love from the people of India.”
“Now, I look to connect with them in an extremely unique and engaging way through my television debut with Colors’ The Big Picture. The proposition of introducing India to a ‘now’ generation quiz show sealed the deal for me.”