Rihanna on Thursday shared some topless maternity photos on Instagram in a series she is calling ‘Rub on ya titties’. The singer, who performed at the 2023 Super Bowl half-time show, was wearing nothing but a bikini bottom and a pair of heels.

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“Rub on ya titties” in honor of my first pregnancy, embracing motherhood like a g, and the magic that this body made! Baby RZA… he in there not having a clue how nuts his mama is, or how obsessed he bout to make me,” the superstar captioned her series of seven pictures.

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Fans first noticed Rihanna’s baby bump at the Super Bowl 2023 half-time show in February. Her representative confirmed that the superstar and rapper ASAP Rocky are having their second child. The couple welcomed their firstborn, a son, in May 2022.

They shared the first video of him in December 2022. The boy has been named RZA, a tribute to the leader of the Wu-Tang Clan.

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In an interview with Entertainment Tonight, in May 2023, at the Met Gala, Rihanna spoke about her second pregnancy.

“It’s so different from the first one. No cravings. Tons of nausea. Everything’s different, but I’m enjoying it. I feel good. I feel energetic,” she said.

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Talking to British Vogue in February, RiRi said that she wants to expand her family. “Listen, I’m down for whatever,” she said. “My wish would be I would like to have more kids but whatever God wants for me, I’m here. I’m open [to whatever baby gender next]. Girl, boy. Whatever.”

Rihanna’s due date and the second child’s sex have not been announced yet.