Actor Samantha Ruth Prabu announced on Saturday that she had been diagnosed with Myositis, a rare autoimmune disease. Prabhu posted a photo of herself in a recording studio while on an IV, as she wrote a heartfelt caption about the overwhelming response to her upcoming film Yashoda’s trailer and her diagnosis with Myositis, which ultimately weakens her muscles. 

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Prabhu is a renowned South Indian actor, who has won several accolades including four South Filmfare Awards, six South Indian International Movie Awards, and two Andhra Pradesh State Nandi Awards. She is one of the leading actors in Tamil and Telugu cinema. 


Prabhu was born on 28th April 1987 and is currently 35 years old. 

Also Read| Yashoda: All you need to know about Samantha’s new film


Prabhu was born to a Telugu father, Joseph Prabhu, and a Malayali mother Ninette Prabhu. Her mother hails from Alappuzha, Kerala. She was brought up in Pallavaram in Chennai, Tamil Nadu. She is the youngest child, as has two elder brothers, named Jonathan and David. 

Prabhu hails from a multicultural background, though she has cited herself as a Tamilian. 

Prabhu’s family was not very well off, and because of this, she decided to pursue modeling at a young age, in order to financially support her family, after which she soon started receiving film offers. She made her acting debut in Gautham Menon’s critically acclaimed Telugu romance film, Ye Maaya Chesave (2010). She received a Filmfare Award for Best Debut Actress and a Nandi Award for this film. 

Prabhu began dating fellow actor Naga Chaitanya in the year 2015. The couple got engaged in Hyderabad in January 2017. 

They announced their separation and divorce on October 2, 2021. Prabhu issues a statement in a now-deleted Instagram post. “To all our well-wishers. After much deliberation and thought Chay (Naga Chaitanya) and I have decided to part ways as husband and wife to pursue our own paths,” she said in the post. 

Also Read| Who is Samantha Ruth Prabhu?

Net Worth

Multiple media reports have estimated Prabu’s net worth to be Rs 80 crore, as of 2022.