American Television show “Saturday Night Live” returned after a month-long hiatus with hearings in Michigan over the allegations of the US 2020 election fraud, with Kate McKinnon playing Rudy Giuliani.
The show started with McKinnon as Giuliani at a hearing in Michigan presenting “highly intelligent, barely intoxicated individuals” as witnesses with testimony in a bid to overturn elections fraud.
McKinnon’s Giuliani, while farting, says, “This election was stolen from the American people with a level of trickery not seen since Houdini.”
“That wasn’t me. That was you guys,” he said.
SNL’s Giuliani said he and the outgoing President, Donald Trump, would overturn elections results in Michigan, then in “Georgiavania” and “North-a-Canada,” CNN reported.
He says, “You want evidence? Okay, well, today I brought before you a dozen highly intelligent, barely intoxicated individuals who are all eye witnesses.”
The SNL episode was hosted by Jason Bateman, who recalled his previous time in the job where a monkey almost killed him. The ‘Ozark’ star had last hosted the show around five years ago.
Talking about the monkey, he said, “They hate that humans have faces and they want to remove them.”
A video was played where a monkey was seen biting his nose off, to which Bateman said, the monkey “apologised.”
On the weekend update of the SNL, Colin Jost mocked Trump, saying, “I see you. You is smart. You is kind. But you is need to go.”