Bollywood actors Aamir Khan, Ranbir Kapoor, Vidya Balan and others were among the many celebrities who attended Lata Mangeshkar‘s funeral. Also making his presence felt was actor Shah Rukh Khan, who was spotted in the public eye after a long time.
On Sunday, Shah Rukh and his manager Poonam Damania paid their final respects to the late singer at her funeral in Mumbai’s Shivaji Park. The actor not only paid her a floral tribute but also said a prayer for her after touching her feet.
Also read: India’s Nightingale Lata Mangeshkar embarks on her final journey | In pics
Videos of the actor laying down a floral wreath at Lata’s feet and saying a prayer with his hands raised were shared online. Fans were touched by his gesture.
Watch the video here:
“Ek hi dil hai kitni baar jitonge khan sahab (I have just one heart. How many times will you win it),” asked a fan. “He decided to go there and pay her the last tribute instead of posting anything on social media, King for a reason,” wrote another fan.
Also read: Lata Mangeshkar’s most iconic Bollywood songs
At the funeral, the Bollywood actor was seen meeting politician Sharad Pawar, talking to Sachin Tendulkar and standing next to his chair as Prime Minister Narendra Modi arrived at the funeral site.
Also read: Rest in glory: Bollywood pays tributes to legendary singer Lata Mangeshkar
On Sunday, Lata Mangeshkar died of post-COVID complications. She suffered a multiple organ failure on Saturday night. She was admitted to Breach Candy Hospital in Mumbai last month after a COVID-19 and pneumonia diagnosis.
Her condition was said to be improving but things worsened this weekend.
Lata was laid to rest with full state honours. Her funeral pyre was lit by her brother Hridaynath Mangeshkar and her sisters Asha Bhosle and Usha Mangeshkar were also present for the funeral.
Shah Rukh has been keeping away from the limelight and even social media since his son Aryan Khan was arrested last year for his alleged connection to a drugs case. Aryan was later let out on bail.