Bollywood actor Shah Rukh Khan’s son, Aryan Khan, was given a clean chit by the Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) on Friday. The 24-year-old, along with five other people, was cleared of all charges on the account of no “substantial evidence” against him and the others in a case related to the agency’s raid on a cruise ship in October last year.
Senior attorney Mukul Rohatgi, who represented Aryan Khan in court, told NDTV that Shah Rukh Khan is “very relieved”, adding that he is glad that the NCB “admitted their mistake”.
“I am very relieved and so must be my clients, including Shah Rukh Khan. Ultimately, truth has prevailed,” Rohatgi said.
“There was no material to charge this young man or arrest him. No drugs were found on him. I am happy that the NCB acted professionally in admitting their mistake,” he added.
Also Read: Aryan Khan case: A timeline of key events
“All is well that ends well. Once you forget the dark chapter of 26 days and the anxiety which it caused to the accused and to his parents and well-wishers, I think we should look at the future. Now, the future is bright and the chapter should be closed. It was a harrowing experience for him and the family. I’m happy that all this is done” Rohatgi concluded.
Aryan Khan was taken under arrest on October 3, 2021, a day after the government agency raided a yacht named Cordelia. After the arrest, a picture clicked with him by “independent witness” Kiran Gosavi spread like wildfire on the internet.
Also Read: Prabhakar Sail, probe agency witness in Aryan Khan drugs case, dies of heart attack
Khan, who spent 22 days in prison, constantly made headlines and gained infamy in the highly publicized case.
On May 27, 2022, the NCB filed its charge sheet on the final day of its deadline. The agency was provided a two-month extension by the court in March.