Actor Shah Rukh Khan was stopped for hours by the Customs Department at Mumbai Airport on Friday night over some expensive watches he and those accompanying him were carrying in their baggage. The Bollywood star had to pay Rs 6.83 lakh in Customs Duty before being allowed to leave the airport, NDTV reported citing sources.
Shah Rukh Khan was returning to Mumbai after attending an event in Sharjah and landed at the Mumbai International Airport on a private jet.
The watches were discovered in Shah Rukh Khan’s baggage. Media reports say while Khan and some members of his team were allowed to leave the airport after payment of Customs Duty, the actor’s body guard and some others were detained for the night to be questioned and only allowed to leave in the morning.
Six expensive watches valued at around Rs 18 lakh were found in Shah Rukh and others’ luggage, media reports say.
In Sharjah, Shah Rukh attended the Sharjah International Book Fair 2022, where he was honoured with the Global Icon of Cinema and Cultural Narrative Award for his contributions to international cinema and culture.
At the event, the arguably biggest icon of Indian cinema was asked if he was nervous how his films were going to do. “I don’t think I need to be nervous, they are all going to be superhit films,” he said.
He added that this was not his arrogance but the belief with which he goes to sleep. “That’s the belief I sleep with, I wake up with and that’s the belief that makes the 57-year-old me do stunts, and work 18 hours a day.”
“If I don’t have that belief that I am making a product that lots of people are going to like then I won’t be able to do it. So, it’s not an arrogant statement, this is what I like to believe,” the actor said.