Bollywood actors Shahid Kapoor and Mrunal Thakur have wrapped up the schedule of their upcoming film ‘Jersey’ in Uttarakhand on Sunday. Kapoor took to Twitter to thank the state government for helping them complete the film shooting safely during the coronavirus pandemic.  

“It’s a wrap on this schedule of #Jersey. I would like to thank the Govt of Uttarakhand for supporting and putting in place efficient policies that enabled us to safely shoot and wrap the schedule of our film in the many beautiful locations of the state,” the actor tweeted.

The actor began shooting in Chandigarh earlier this year but put it on hold amid the coronavirus-induced lockdown in March and has recently resumed the schedule.

Kapoor will play the role of a cricketer in the Hindi remake of the Telugu film, Jersey. It will trace the story of a failed cricketer, who decides to return back to the pitch in his thirties to represent the Indian cricket team.

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However, in this schedule, he did not play the sport much. He will be restarting his cricket training sessions and will be seen hitting the pitch in the next schedule.

The film also stars actor Pankaj Kapur. It is being directed by Gowtam Tinnanauri and produced by Allu Aravind, Aman Gill, Dil Raju.