Bollywood actor Shamita Shetty took to social media on Friday to support her elder sister Shilpa Shetty ahead of the release of the latter’s movie ‘Hungama 2’. Shilpa’s husband Raj Kundra has been sent into judicial custody until July 27 for his alleged role in the production and distribution of porn.
“All d best my darling Munki for the release of ur film Hungama after 14 years I know Uve put in a lot of effort into this one.. the entire team has !.. love you and with you ALWAYS Uve gone through a lot of Ups n downs in life and one thing I know for sure .. Uve emerged stronger!… this too shall pass my darling . All the best to the entire team of #hungama2,” she wrote.
Also Read: Shilpa Shetty says husband Raj Kundra innocent in porn case: Reports
Earlier in the day, Shilpa had urged her fans to watch her movie, which was released on Disney+ Hotstar.
Also Read: Cops record Shilpa Shetty’s statement in porn case against husband Raj Kundra
“I believe and practice the teachings of Yoga,’The only place where life exists is the present moment, NOW.’ Hungama 2 involves the relentless efforts of an entire team that’s worked very hard to make a good film, and the film shouldn’t suffer… ever! So today, I request you all to watch Hungama 2 with your families to put a smile on your face and for the sake of every single person attached to the film. Thank you,” she had written on Twitter.
Shilpa’s husband Raj Kundra was arrested on Monday for his alleged role in a porn racket.
“There was a case registered with the Crime Branch Mumbai in February 2021 about creation of pornographic films and publishing them through some Apps. We’ve arrested Mr Raj Kundra in this case on 19/7/21 as he appears to be the key conspirator of this. We have sufficient evidences regarding this,” police commissioner Hemant Nagrale had said in a statement on late Monday night.
He has been booked under sections 420 (cheating), 34 (common intention), 292 and 293 (related to obscene and indecent advertisements and displays) of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) besides relevant sections of the IT Act and the Indecent Representation of Women (Prohibition) Act.