Shah Rukh Khan surprised his fans by showing up in front of them on the night of November 2 at Mannat. Since early in the day, people have gathered around his house to celebrate his 57th birthday. And SRK certainly did not let down. The actor made his customary birthday appearance at his home on November 2 to the delight of his fans. He posted a selfie from the meet and greet on November 2 on Instagram along with a “thank you” note for fans. The images from the event shows, it was a fairly king-sized affair!
Also Read| Fans call Shah Rukh Khan’s Pathaan teaser a ‘cheap copy’ of previous hits
Shah Rukh Khan gave his fans a starry appearance from his Mannat balcony, as he does every year. He was accompanied by his son, AbRam. The famous Bollywood actor wrote a touching message for the “sea of love” that he receives every year on Instagram. He also shared a selfie with caption, “It’s so lovely to live in front of the sea…..the sea of love that spreads all around me on my birthday….thank u. Grateful for making me feel so special….& happy.”
Celebs and fans wished SRK on social media
For his supporters, Shah Rukh Khan’s birthday is a festival in itself! Celebrities and fans have both sent well wishes to the superstar on his social media accounts. During his unexpected appearance for fans last night, the superstar did his customary birthday ritual by charming people with his hand gestures, including hello, thank you, and the open-arms pose. Shah Rukh Khan’s upcoming film, Pathaan, will feature him next. To celebrate his birthday today, the actor released the film’s teaser.
Also Read| Shah Rukh Khan unveil Pathaan teaser on his 57th birthday: Watch
Sharing the video of the much-awaited teaser, SRK wrote, ”
Apni kursi ki peti baandh lijiye…#PathaanTeaser OUT NOW! Celebrate #Pathaan with #YRF50 only at a big screen near you on 25th January, 2023. Releasing in Hindi, Tamil and Telugu.”